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Minggu, 27 Januari 2013


Keep body healthy
Masriyah : 10112015

English Department
Teacher Training Faculty

Keep body healthy is very important to us because if the condition of our body not healthy, so activity will be hampered.  Therefore our bodies are the important element that should we care and we clean.  If our body always clean, fresh, and health, so our body will be protected from disease, and also to get the pleasures of life and has a work force as well as possible.  Doing a healthy lifestyle, by doing activities that are beneficial to our bodies.  Because one of recipes happy it be if we could live in a health condition.  Therefore, start getting used to healthy life. 

Keep body healthy
I.                   Introduction
Personal health is the efforts and actions to maintain, take care, and increase the level of own health within the limits of ability, to get the pleasures of life and has a work force as well as possible.  To keep body healthy is not only foccus on areas or parts that are considered an important or vital, but it almost all parts of the body are also requires special attention.  Therefore, we need to clean the rest of our body, such as take a bath two or three times a day, brush your teeth when you go to sleep and after wake up in the morning, wash your hair, nails, nose, ears, and also clothes.  But the fact is most people to avoid of health care because they do not care of their body.
Mainwhile,  to keep and take care about personal healthy, we also need to keep our diet with healthy foods, there are many diseases are caused by the foods which we consume are containt bacteries.  The Good food is not meisure with good condition.  There are many kinds of foods and drinking are containt certain chemicals element.   For examples, borax and formaldehyde in them.  In addition, we need to considered that the food.  It is better than to eat some fruits before we eat the main foods.
II.                Meal plane
Meal plan is how our food to set a healthy diet everyday.  Meal plan healthy diet is important because we can improve the nutritional quality of our diet by eating healthy foods.  Meal plan begins with a healthy diet contain foods that balance nutritional so it can keep our health and fitness.

A.    Healthy foods
Healthy foods are that contains substances that are needed by our bodies.  Healthy foods that contain a balanced nutritions.  Foods that good nutritions and fiber consumption by the body.  Purpose of consuming food that is healthy for our bodies to keep our bodies stay healthy.  Grow and develop properly.  There are several healthy foods that we need to consumes everyday, so that our body needs are always met with vitamins, minerals, and protein.  These foods like vegetables, fruits, fish and meat.
1.      Vegetables
Vegetables are herbs, vegetatians, and pibs that healthy and can be consume.  Vegetables are foods that contain high levels of water and consumed in fresh condition or after being processed to a minimum.  Vegetable foods which are rich in natural nutrient content, especially the greens.  Beside rich in vitamins A and C, green vegetables also contain various minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.  “Vegetables and fruits provide vital nutrients for the proper growth and maintenance of your body”(weinblatt Sept 14 2010).
2.      Fruits
The fruit is one type of food that has nutritional value vitamins and minerals are generally very good to eat everyday.  And also is one kind of good in the consumption of food for the body, because the biggest part of the fruit is water, just like our bodies.  As we know 80% of our body consists of water.  In order for our body’s water needs are met, then we need to consume foods that contain lots of water.

Fruits is a type of foods that contain approximately 80% of water in which other types of food can not match it.
“Fruit is also paced with dietary fibre, which helps to kee your digestion system running properly.  Not only will this help expel waste products more efficiently, but it can also help prevent colon and bowel cancers as well, as there will be fewer toxins exposed to that area to less time”(Bradbury Sept 8 2010)”.

3.      Fish
Fish good for extra diet because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients needed to keep body healthy.  Fish accounted for as a source of nutrients is very high.  A lot of fish consume more favorable to health, because almost all types of fish can we eat and do not dengerous for the body’s health.  “Like meat, fish is good source of protein.  It’s low in fat and is full of vitamins and minerals that our body needs.  Some of the vitamins found in fish are riboflavin(vitamin B2), calcium, and phosphorus.  Fish also provides many kinds of minerals such as; Iron, Zinc, pottasium, lodine, and Magnesium to your body”(Bee05).
4.      Meat
Meat is a source of animal protein, and is a favorite food that became a favorite with almost everyone.  Beside delecious taste, the meat is also a good source of protein for your body needs.  Meat contains a large number of proteins that are essential for the body protein can help improve overall.  Beside that meat also rich in nutrients, meat is the best source of iron, zinc and selenium.
 “Meat contains a number of important nutrients that are needed by your body for carrying out vital metabolic functions.  These are proteins, fat, vitamins and minerals.  All these nutrients are responsible for providing you with energy and keeping you healthy(Kumari)”.
III.             Physical practice
Physical practice is one of the main and most important factor to be considered as a required element in the process of physical practice fitness.  It main purpose is to improve the health  and physical fitness.  Where physical fitness is a determinant of the size of one’s physical abilities in carriying out daily duties.  The higher the degree of physical fitness, the higher a person’s physical work capacity.  Physical practice is an essential program in physical health coaching.  Practice is the physical condition of the process develop the ability to do physical movement activities systematically and proressively increased to maintain or increase their level of physical fitness in order to achieve optimal physical working ability.

A.    Sports
Sports is a form of physical activity that involves a planned and stuctured repetitive body movements and aims to improve physical fitness.  Sports also is an active behaviour that activate metabolism and effect the function of the glands in the body to produce immune system in an effort to defend the body from disease and stress.  Besides the ditribution and absorption of nutrients in the body become more effective and efficient.  Therefore, it is highly recommended to any person to done routinely sports and well structured.
Sport is beneficial for physical fitness.  In the modern life at this moment many people are forget the importance of sport for the body.  Though the sport is a healthy way for the cheapest with amazing results for body fitness.  Besides sport can be carried out whenever and wherever we like to do both day and night as you wish. There are some of the easiest sports to do in everyday life.
1.      Jogging
Jogging is walk fast or jog to absorb oxygen and proper function of the heart to work more quickly than usual.  Jogging is usually done early morning or afternoon before take a bath.  Jogging will open the aura around the body so the natural atmosphere penetrate into the body.  Jogging is also a sport that is most easily, simple, and cheap.  Jogging or running in the morning is quite effective in improving physical fitness all day and can burn body fat effectively.  In addition to easy to do this sport can also be done by anyone whether young or old, and we also can do it wherever we like.

2.      Riding bicycle
Bicycle is a means of land transportation is driven by rower.  Cycling can facilitate the circulation of rich in oxygen blood and nutrients to all parts of the muscles around the body.  The benefits of cyciling can prevent us from disease attack.  For example diabetes, because cyciling can be prevent us from high blood pressure and lose weight. The function of cycling is to reduce stress and prevent heart disease.  “cycling is an activity that involves the whole body.  therefore, arm-to-leg, feet-to hands and body-to-eye coordination are improved” (Travers).

3.      Swimming
Swimming is one sport that can improve health and fitness of a person’s body, beside that can also calm the brain and mind.  Swimming is also very well done routinely before and after sport on the land.  The benefits of swimming is to help people sports by moving all the muscles of the body, with its main focus is te arm and foot muscles.  The other benefits are practice breathing swimming that can do useful interrupted activities to pleasant the body and make swimming a fun activity.  Swimming has many benefits that can be felt if we do it routinely and properly.  “ Swimming is a healthy that can be countinue lifetime”(Luebbers May 05 2012).
IV.             Cleaness
Cleaness is a state that is clean and free of dirts, among them dust, waste, food scraps, and smell.  As we all know that cleaness is half of the faith.  Therefore we need clean all that concern with our own personal environtment, where cleaness is very important and we need to concider once we apply to daily life.  Either in the bedroom, bathroom, and around the house so that  not to avoid smell, and do not spread the dirt, or infectious disease germs to our own or others.  Washing is one way to keep clean with water and put on a kind of soap or detergent.  Washing hands with soap or use hand hygiene products is the best way to keep body healthy.  With the hygiene, so our healthy will be stay protected and spared of various disease.
A.    Clean place
Clean place is the most important component for us that we must keep it well.  To keep residence is a main factor in to keep the health of our residents.  Clean place to stay to keep them clean and tidy to be done everyday, so the clean place would be more comfortable, safe and protected from sources of disease.  The house clean or clean place of residence must be treated by way of tidying and cleaning the furniture from dust, sweep and mop the floor, sweeping the yard, cleaning the bathroom and toilet, and dispose of waste in place.  Thus creating a comfort and harmony in our homes or clean place.  One way to maintain the comfort of home is by the way of declared and prioritize hygiene, either it’s hygiene of individual or residential environment.
1.      Bedroom
Bedroom is a private room where we always take a nap or night, because the bedroon is the most favorite place for all of us, where we always spend time when we feel tired after work or do activity all day.  Cleaness of the bedroom is the most important element in keep body healthy and mind, with clean bedroom so we will feel calm and comfortable in relaxing or resting.   Because cleaness bedroom is also a key to get to sleep soundly.  In addition to with the clean bedroom, so minds, and our brains also clean and can work well because there are no diturbances or problems that can cause the mind and brain are not healthy and can not work properly.  Therefore we need to fix our bedroom as clean and beutiful as possible, so that the process of we break always safe and comfortable.
1.      Bathroom
Bathroom is a room where we can take a bath to cleanse our bodies.  Clean the bathroom on as rountines everyday is a main factor in maintaining the cleaness and health of the body because the bathroom was damp contitions it is possible breeding grounds for germ and bacteria.  With clean bathroom we will feel comfortable and pleasant while cleaning our body.  In addition to clean the bathroom, then our body also look clean, fresh, and healthy.  Therefore we must cleaness bathroom in a way, cleaning drainage, tap water, toilet and tub of water.  The bathroom that we use will always look clean and health.
2.      Around the house
Environment hygiene is very important role in maintaining personal health and others.  Environment cleaness in priority and should also be applied in daily life.  Therefore we must realize about the importance environment hygiene from our own home, for example diligently sweeping in the yard, cleaning the ditch or gutter, trash the place, and measures take to protect the health of the body by the management, control and prevention of environment factors which can disrupt the body’s health.  Usually in a ditch or gutter trash most often we find, when clogged ditch or gutter will be inundated and cause flooding.  So ditch or gutter should be cleaned so as not to cause disaster.
With a clean living environment, then we will get the benefits are very useful for us all because it can create the harmony and the compatibility the environment through efforts to develop a healthy live culture and environment managament.  So that achieve the conditions that are clean, cool, safe, comfortable, health, welfare, protected from disease, and also more quiet in doing activity all day.
            Weinblatt Victoria. (Sept 14 2010). What are the benefits of eating vegetables                               & fruit. Retrieved from:
            Bradbury Kate. (Sept 8 2010). The health benefits of eating fruit. Retreived from:                           
            Bee05. (n.d). The importance of eanting fish. Retreived from:                                                
            Kumari Kalpana. (n.d). Benefits of eating meat. Retreived from:                                           
            Travers Jerry. (n.d). Cycling improves coordination. Retreived from:                                                          37-health-benefits-of-cycling-ii.html                   
            Luebbers Mat. (Mey 05 2012). What’s Good About Swimming. Retreived from:                 

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